Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nostalgic Last Supper

The Konami Code Last Supper

Last Supper Dance Party

Dripping Last Supper by Blek le Rat

The Last Supper Robe

I Know What You Did Last Supper

The Last Sprite Supper

Cleaned last supper

Ben Willikens, 1976–79, Deutsches Architektur-Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Though German painter Ben Willikens was primarily interested in studying the representation of space, he nonetheless provides an uncanny portrayal of what the dinner table in the Upper Room might look like after the events of Holy Week. The windows in the painting's background let clean light into the room, casting out shadows. Christ has done the work given him by the Father, and his followers are now free from death's grip.

Shiny bowling Last Supper